We May Sing #19
Singing workshop on Zoom
With Leading facilitators of song:
Tembre de Carteret (Co.Clare)
Penny Stone (Scotland)
Judith Silver (UK)
Saturday 30th January 2021 4pm-5:30pm (UTC/Ireland)
A collection of heartfelt songs for your nourishment and enjoyment hosted by Tembre and joined by two very talented and unique song leaders Penny and Judith.
All are welcome – All songs are taught by ear in a call and response method, no experience needed. All voices welcome.
As with the nature of online singing, we as song leaders wont be able to hear you singing, but we will bring harmonies galore for you to hear and breath in.
From the comfort of your home, garden, bath, lounge or kitchen!
All welcome, neighbours, family members. Or this may be a perfect time just for yourself. Grab a cup of tea and join us.
Registration & Donation Required
To Register for We May Sing #19:
Please click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtd-quqTIsHd1fFrWhbylLNXuQ4UU1QYH4
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please visit www.tembresong.com for information and future We May Sing events.
Sliding scale payment €5-€20 to paypal.me/tembresinging.
Please enter “May 19” in the notes section when paying, so that your money goes to the right event
Our Facilitators of Song:
Tembre de Carteret:
Tembre has been leading men, women and children in song in Ireland for 19 years. As a singer she feels blessed that she has been able to have music as her passion and her job. Her roles are as a choir leader, community musician, mentor, early years music educator and performer. Tembre leads in a natural organic way, creating a safe, held and fun space, inclusive of heart and exploration. Tembre has a love and passion for singing, easy melodies and harmonies that are accessible to all. She will be hosting this event for us all from her home in County Clare where she lives with her family.
Penny Stone:
Penny is a musician and activist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. She believes that everyone can sing and the everyone’s voice is valuable. She writes songs of hope and people power as well as soothing songs that we all need a little more of during this weird time.
It is so nice to welcome back Penny to We May Sing, you are in for a treat.
Judith Silver:
Judith Silver:
Judith has been performing, teaching, composing and leading music in workshops and services for over twenty-five years. Perhaps best known for her Jewish songs, widely shared in both secular choirs and Jewish communities, she founded Companion Voices in 2014 and the Keep Connected Choir in 2020. Her first play (with songs, of course!), ‘Mum Thumb’, will have its first airing – as an online rehearsed reading – in February 2021.
www.judithsilver.com www.companionvoices.org
More details:
The three of us appreciate that at this time it may challenging financially, emotionally and physically, so we hope this gift of songs brought to your home will be nourishing for you and your family.
How to use Zoom if you are new to it:
Once you have registered you will be sent a link by Tembre to the Zoom gathering , there will be a waiting room and Tembre will welcome you into the events from 3.50pm. It may sounds a bit complicated but very easy and we will be there to welcome you.
On the day we suggest that you arrive before 4pm start to iron out any technical hitches in sound and video.
We suggest that you either use headphones or a speaker if the sound on your laptop is not great quality.
Also suggest that you upload and try out Zoom prior to the event.
Love Tembre